Max Rosenthal, Alfred Jones (Philadelphia: Stein & Jones?, 1865).


Max Rosenthal, Alfred Jones (Philadelphia: Stein & Jones?, 1865).


Stein & Jones, a printing and lithographic office that specialized in trade cards, set up shop about 1859. Rudolph Stein (b. ca. 1821-1871), a printer, and Alfred T. Jones (1822-1888), a merchant, partnered to form one of the few known Jewish lithographic establishments in the city. Another was the Rosenthal firm. Established about 1851 by Louis N. Rosenthal (b. 1824) and his brother Max (1833-1918), the Rosenthal firm was among the best early experimenters in chromolithography. The brothers issued a wide range of artistic and job work, including book illustrations, certificates, sheet music, and commemorative prints, in addition to a series of over 150 military views based on Max’s observations of the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War.


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