“Charles Magarge & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Paper, and Paper Makers’ Materials, Warehouse, 30, 32 and 34 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.” in Printers’ Circular (March 1871).


“Charles Magarge & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Paper, and Paper Makers’ Materials, Warehouse, 30, 32 and 34 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.” in Printers’ Circular (March 1871).


Charles Magarge & Co., established about 1831, was one of the largest American suppliers of printing papers during the 19th century.  Philadelphia lithographers purchased plate (i.e., sheet) paper from its stock, often already calendered (passed through rollers for a smooth and glossy finish) and sized. Sized paper, coated in a glaze to prevent stretching, was particularly important for chromolithographers who needed to print with dry paper to ensure proper color registration of the image.


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